By Andreas Biegleder. According to a letter from the City Archive of Munich from October 2, 2013, number 3053/3231.0, Andreas Biegleder was born 1880-10-25 in Ergoldsbach and died 1954-05-14 in Munich, last address from 1953-04-17 Munich, Weltenburger Straße 3/I. –, Public Domain, Link
第5位:マデリン・マッカーン失踪事件 (The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann)
By The source is Kate McCann, Madeleine: Our Daughter’s Disappearance and the Continuing Search for Her, Transworld Publishers, 2011, between pages 352 and 353.The copyright holder is Madeleine’s Fund, which commissioned and published the image in 2008. It was created by a forensic artist working for the Fund and is based on a description given by Jane Tanner, a friend of the McCanns, who saw a man carrying a child at 21:15 hours on the night of the disappearance. She saw the man very close to the McCanns’ apartment, 45 minutes before the alarm was raised. The image has no commercial value and has been widely published and discussed.The Tanner image has become an iconic representation of the investigation into her disappearance. An innocent man stepped forward to say he was probably the man in the image, although it is not known when this happened. Scotland Yard detectives photographed the man in the same clothes and pose as on the night of the disappearance; the clothes his daughter was wearing also matched Tanner’s description of the child she had seen.The image is therefore discussed now as a possible mistake that may have been made, which led detectives in the wrong direction for several years and gave them a false timeline. See here for an example of the coverage about the image. Also an article here about this image’s relationship to another one of a possible suspect. Discussion in the Wikipedia article here and here. The lead investigator for Scotland Yard described their decision to rule the image a red herring as a “revelation moment”: “DCI Redwood said it was a ‘revelation moment’ when police discovered that the man seen by McCanns’ friend Jane Tanner at 9.15pm was almost certainly an innocent British holiday-maker collecting his two-year-old daughter from a nearby creche.” , Fair use, Link